Prayer of Protection

Almighty Father, we come to You in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and in that mighty name we break the power of every strategy and assignment sent against the British Isles and Ireland.

We pray the mighty covering of the living blood of Jesus Christ over our villages, towns and cities, over our coastlands, seaports and airports. We ask that You release the angelic host to protect us from every attack and lift each citizen above every circumstance and crisis.

We affirm the finished work of Christ over all demonic forces and decree that no weapon formed against Your plans and purposes for the British Isles and Ireland will prosper.

We decree that no longer will violence be heard in our land, or destruction within our borders. We bless the atmosphere to be charged with peace and order.


Source: Keep on Praying and Bless booklet produced by House of Prayer, Fishergate, Norwich NR3 1SE.

Prayer for EU Referendum

‘This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” Jeremiah 6:16

With the referendum drawing closer I am sure many people are praying for guidance about how to cast their vote. There continue to be strong arguments both ‘for’ and ‘against’ remaining in the EU. May I encourage you to keep focused on Jesus and not to let fear for what may happen be the governing factor when deciding how to cast your vote. Let us remember that it is faith not fear which connects us to the promises of God. He has promised to give His people wisdom when they ask Him. (see James 1:5)

The organisation CARE asks Christians to pray for God’s will to be done for the greatest good of the nation and for other countries. Let us pray that we position ourselves as a nation so that the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ may continue to be proclaimed in our land and that we can share this good news both in love and power with our neighbours in Europe. Surely, God has a plan for the British Isles and let us trust that His purposes will come to pass.

As I have considered and prayed about this matter I was reminded of the Lord’s word to Jerusalem through the prophet Jeremiah, (although sadly they rejected His direction). You may like to meditate on this verse and consider the way God called His people to stand, look, ask and then to walk.

Stand – may the Christians of this nation be still in the Lord’s presence and look – in humility seeking His face and His grace and ask for His will to unfold showing us the way to walk in these days.

Finally, whatever the outcome of the vote on 23rd June we need to continue to pray for God’s mercy on our nation and for reconciliation between people of opposing viewpoints. Let us also ask God to pour out His Spirit on our land that people may encounter the living Jesus who alone can give them rest for their souls.

Keep on praying

'You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.' Isaiah 26:3-4

As we listen to the news about the result of the EU vote may we keep our ears open to the Holy Spirit and continue to pray as He leads. The weeks of debate may be past but the need to intercede for our nation is as vital as ever. Regardless of the outcome and any spiritual consequences for the UK surely what is needful is an awakening to God where people turn to Jesus.

Both within the nation as a whole and the church there have been divisions. May we pray that God will raise up men and women who speak for reconciliation. Jesus warned that a house divided against itself will not stand (see Matthew 12:25). May we keep our focus on Jesus confident that He will keep us in His perfect peace. Wherever we go we are carrying His presence so let us trust that there will be many opportunities to speak words of peace and share our faith in Jesus.

Whether you are pleased with the decision concerning the UK's membership of the EU or feel unhappy I encourage you to spend time worshipping and praising God. Maybe it will be a sacrifice of praise, but I urge you not to let feelings of either disappointment or relief take up residence in your heart. This is the time to be filled with God's love and peace. 'Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.' James 3:18

So let us keep on praying for God's mercy on our nation and for wisdom for our leaders in the coming days.