
Welcome to Arise Walk, a website set up to encourage Christians on a daily basis with short devotional writings. The aim is to inspire people to read the Bible with an expectation that they will receive strength, grace and direction to help them whatever challenges they may encounter. As we feed on God’s Word we are strengthened inwardly, and our thought patterns are renewed by His truth. You are invited to subscribe free to one or more of the series of daily emails. You can do this by clicking the signup link, and follow the instructions given.

New Short Series 'Steps Along The Way'

Arise Walk is pleased to announce a new series called ‘Steps Along The Way’ which aims to introduce readers to Jesus. Subscribe for free and you will receive 21 daily emails with encouraging reflections to help you find purpose and joy in your journey through life. ‘Steps Along The Way’ is linked with the Maidstone Waypoint Project (find them on Facebook) which aims to help people find The Way, their way.

To subscribe to ‘Steps Along The Way’ for free click here to give us your details.

Series One

Series One – is the original daily devotional which lasts one year. Each day there is a short section of Scripture, a few thoughts to help you consider its meaning and a prayer or reflection. In addition to reading ‘Arise Walk’, I suggest you take time to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you personally. It would be helpful to read around the verses printed in order to understand their context. The translation used is the NIV (1984 Study Bible edition) unless otherwise stated. The series is not dated and so whenever you sign up you will commence at Day 1. However, in the periods leading up to Christmas and Easter everyone receives ‘days’ appropriate to the season.

Click here to read a sample ‘day’. Day 92.

Series Two

Series Two - is a shorter series which traces the life and faith of Abraham and Sarah. There are 57 daily emails in the same style as Series One. There is the option to use this as a basis for a nine session course in a home Bible study group. A group leader could enrol all the members with the same start date and plan a first meeting on ‘Day 1’. Thereafter, the group meets weekly on days 8, 15, 22 etc until day 57. Click here for an overview of the course content, or email admin@arise-walk.org for further information.

Arise Walk streams

Arise Walk streams – are themed reading plans for devotional use lasting typically 10 or 21 days. You may sign up to receive them daily via email, alternatively they can be accessed via the home page and be downloaded in complete form for use at any time. This format would be ideal to take on holiday or retreat. The following streams are available:

  • Precious to God
  • Established in God
  • Nevertheless
  • Great is the Lord
  • Steps Along The Way

Topical notes for prayer

Topical notes for prayer. From time to time items for prayer and words of encouragement may be posted on the website and you will receive an email to highlight the posting.